Elite session with Natalie Van Coeverden

Natalie Van Coeverden is a young emergent Australian athlete. Actually ranking 72 in the WTS, she is in the circuit since 5 years, and she is now in a age to prove the world that she can be a top triathlete. We talk with Natalie about her favourite sessions to see what she loves to do and why.


Her favourite swim session is a 24*100m best average pace on the 1.20 cycle.
She loves that session as it always keep her honest. It is great for building strength whilst improving your threshold swimming.

Her favourite bike session would have to be motopacing. She does short sharp sprints off the bike whilst doing some longer tempo work. She is doing this session for years with her coach and it is great not only for power and endurance but tactical as well.

And to finish, here is her favourite run session. it is 400 m. Up to 12 of them and she normally build the last few. You can do them as fast or slow as you like but they are a perfect way to sharpen up speed especially leading into a race.

You can try these sessions at home to see if you love it as Natalie does.

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